9 Tricks for the Perfect Result

9 Tricks for the Perfect Result

1. apply the paint as evenly as possible and do not break off in the middle of a field Otherwise there may be unsightly edges within the color. This is difficult to compensate for.

2. do not apply the paint too thickly, as the paint can break when drying and there are small "mountain gorges".

3. if the picture is not to be framed, you can simply paint over the edges with the appropriate color. To do this, just think the fields a little bit "around the picture".

4. wash the brush as often as possible in between and spread it out well on the kitchen paper. Never press the brush strongly on the ground to wash it out, a slight swirl at the edge of the water container is perfect.

5. always place at least two water containers - one for rough rinsing, one for the "rinse cycle". This prevents paint from running in the brush clamp (i.e. where the brush hairs are attached to the wood). Dried paint in the ferrule leads to protruding hairs and the brush is ruined.

6. to give the whole thing a little structure, individual fields or areas can be painted over several times and played with the thickness of the paint. This makes the picture look more lively at the end. But this is only recommended for small areas of the picture when it is completely painted.

7. "accidents" such as paint splashes can be dabbed over with a brush or toothpick after one or two days of drying.

8. a little final varnish is definitely recommended and protects the picture from fading. It gives the whole thing even more intense bright colors and lets the picture shine a bit. One application is enough.

9. the right lighting helps enormously. If there is no bright painting place, table lamps will do it. To see the colors as real as possible, we recommend using two different daylight lamps, a floor lamp that shines from the right front, an arm lamp that illuminates the picture from the front and from above.
